Our Services

No Two Whitmire Clients Are Alike

We have a full portfolio of resources, advisors, and partners to provide exactly what you need when you need it, and within budget. 

Care Management

In this core service, we advocate, research, plan, and coordinate for your benefit. We keep the legal, financial, and other professionals on your team in the loop and actively involved. We provide support to help you manage “the work” that is part of living an independent life, including benefits/health insurance, personal finances, commuting, health, wellness, self-care, enrichment, technology, pet care, efficient life systems (checklists, routines, best practices, life hacks), and travel and vocation/volunteer opportunities.

care manager taking notes
  • social workers coordinating care

    Complex Case Management & Medical Advocacy

    Complex case management serves to set the framework for managing long-term individual care. A major component of this service is medical advocacy, which ensures that individuals feel empowered and receive the best care possible. Here, the individual takes the lead as we work alongside them and provide support and advocate for any medical or care needs.

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    Enrichment & Engagement

    Our team works with each individual to include activities that make life engaging and fulfilling. The best laid plans are built to evolve and grow with life. Enrichment means something different to everyone. For some it’s moving into a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) where activities are at individuals’ fingertips. For others, finding community activities or classes is the best move. Either way, we work together to make sure life is fulfilling.

  • social worker smiling with disabled adult

    Care Teams

    Our care teams are custom-built to honor the uniqueness and preferences of the individuals we serve. We work with medical, financial, and legal specialists to attend to every facet of our clients’ care. From our experienced employees and valued professional relationships, we build a team of professionals to meet the unique needs of each client.

Care Consulting

Everyone’s care needs are unique. Our team is equipped with a wealth of knowledge to draw from to properly guide and serve individuals and families in their care journey. Whether you or a loved one need support with accessing benefits, setting up in-home care, investing in useful equipment, or addressing a new challenge, our expertise ensures that we will set you along the right path. Our job is to partner with the individual and other key stakeholders to ensure all aspects of the individual’s care needs are attended to. Collaborative planning and utilizing the professional resources and relationships we have acquired throughout the years allow us to give you the best care and guidance possible.

care consultant meeting with health care professional
  • aging man in wheel chair with dog


    As life progresses, transitions are natural and inevitable. That said, they often require time, energy, and detailed planning. Our goal is to make transitions as smooth as possible. Whether it’s a planned move from out of state, a discharge from a hospital, or a sudden event that requires a higher level of care, we partner with the individual and collaborate with all necessary parties to mitigate potential overwhelm and ensure transitions are successful.

  • fiduciaries discussing financial management

    Life Stage Planning

    If you are working to update your estate planning upon retirement and wondering who will care for your child, how their finances will be managed, and what benefits they will be eligible for, we can provide guidance. Additionally, if your child is approaching 18 and you’re wondering about state and federal benefit eligibility and options for housing, care, and day programming, we can help plan and support the transition.

  • professionals discussing future care needs

    Settlements Needs Assessments

    Special Needs Trust settlements require coordination between the individual, the trust, and financial and legal entities. Trust officers and fiduciaries contact us to assess the current and future needs of the beneficiary. This may include purchasing a house, medical equipment, and accessible vehicles to suit an individual’s care needs. Additionally, we evaluate state and federal benefits, as well as caregiving and enrichment needs.


At Whitmire, coaching takes place within the partnership between one of our healthcare professionals and an individual. The purpose of coaching is to provide support and resources for the individual as they work toward achieving a goal or set of goals. For example, if a young adult wants to develop independent living skills or explore interests, coaching will give them a safe space to explore and build these skills. Coaching at Whitmire is also offered for those navigating a rehabilitation journey or seeking a reset after something has become stagnant. No matter the goal, our coaches support the individual as they create a personalized action plan to successfully achieve it.

life coach for individual with intellectual and physical disability
  • happy young woman with down syndrome

    Young Adults

    Specializing in intellectual and developmental disabilities, we develop and manage care plans for individuals with goals of developing independent living and self-care skills, ensuring safety in the home and community, and exploring interests or leisure. We collaborate with school and therapy teams, DVR, and DDA to create the best plans and access resources to accomplish skill acquisition, self-determination, and independence.

  • adult woman receiving rehabilitation support


    We work to support individuals through their rehabilitation journey. When it’s time for an individual to discharge from inpatient rehabilitation to the home, we collaborate with skilled therapy and caregiving teams. Through this collaboration, we assist the individual in finding a new normal at home with support, maximizing independence, and discovering meaningful activities.

  • social worker coaching young man with cognitive disability


    During times that require a ‘reset’, we assess the current time to see what is going on. Perhaps some goals haven’t been achieved because of overwhelm, loss of a primary caregiver, or new programming or equipment that should be incorporated. Through collaboration with the family, as well as therapy and caregiving teams, we support and guide all parties in finding new motivation and gaining a fresh perspective.

Crisis Support

health crisis can be medical or psychological in nature, or a combination of both. We work with individuals who have experienced head trauma, spinal cord injuries, burns, amputations, etc., and support them as they progress from their initial injury and rehabilitation. We also serve individuals of all ages needing support with a lapse in mental/behavioral health or substance use recovery. A family or housing crisis can be an eviction or other imminent loss of a home, the death of a spouse that served in a caregiving role, or any situation that overwhelms the client or family. We step in at any time during a crisis to provide support.

National Suicide & Crisis Line: 988

King County Crisis Line: 206-263-9200

Discover Our Process

We work together for you.

When you’re ready to talk, we’ll assemble the right team to learn your story, present strategies and discuss your options.